Want to become a Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) allows you, regardless of age and faith background, to become a full member of the Catholic Church, getting to know Christ better and deepening your relationship with Him, whilst celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
The R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process designed for adults attracted by Christ and his teaching. It supports them as they seek to respond more deeply and to enter into the Communion of the Church. It begins with a time of enquiry, for asking questions and for reflection.
This may well be done in a group: both with others who are also seeking and members of the local church. At this initial stage you will be known as an enquirer.
The group will include a team, drawn from the local parish community, who will lead the time together in sharing input, reflection and prayer. The priest will have a key role in supporting the group.
The whole parish community will be involved in the process through prayer and witness. Some will have particular roles as sponsors and godparents who accompany enquirers on their journey.
To become a Catholic can take some time. It is a journey of faith and like any journey the route is marked by various stages.
In R.C.I.A. these stages, which might be thought of as turning points, are marked by services in the church. They are signs of a growing and deepening relationship. Between these turning points are ‘periods’ — time to get know Jesus and the Church and appreciate that what we believe affects how we live our lives.
There is no overall timetable, though baptism (christening) usually takes place at Easter (in the spring). With that as a signpost you can take as long as you need. It is also possible to decide it is not for you.