Vocations Awareness Week Sunday marks the beginning of Vocations Awareness Week, a time of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Consecrated Life. Focused on the theme of ‘Parable’, these invite pupils to consider God’s plan for their lives and include resources for prayer and reflection. The material is also designed to be augmented by a talk from the school chaplain.
Think Vocation: Like Isaiah in today's reading, God "formed you in the womb to be his servant." How will you serve Him? Perhaps in priesthood or religious life? Speak to your Vocations Director, Fr. Morrison - email vocations@rcdop.org.uk
We are following in the footsteps of St Paul via our very own Deacon Ryan Black. Ryan set off on his trip to Greece and is happily blogging for us as he makes his way across the islands of Greece - following the journey of St. Paul. Keep up to date here! "I’ve been asked to record the comings and goings of our small group of pilgrims, who are following ‘In the Footsteps of St Paul’ as part of a course offered by the Biblical Theology Department at the Pontifical Gregorian University."
Fr. Goyo shares his testimony with us and encourages other priests to do the same. What an inspiring 'story' of a journey from 'failure' to 'faith'. Also Fr Goyo, thanks for the priest emoji!!
Today we hear from Mark O'Donnell from the Diocese of Motherwell ahead of his ordination to the diaconate on Sunday. Check back tomorrow and all this week for another interview ahead of the Ordination Mass on Sunday.
Diocesan Priesthood - Thinking about Diocesan Priesthood in 2018? For more information please contact Fr. John Morrison 01418895056 or e-mail vocations@rcdop.org
Communion, also known as Alvaro Vega, is a really good lyricist. His flow is practiced and moves quickly, without sacrificing diction, and he seems to have a lot of fun rhyming more than just the last syllables of a verse. I believe in Jesus who frees us from all diseases, The One who came to teach us the love thy neighbor thesis “I Believe” doesn’t over-do anything. The arrangement is simple, with a piano, synth, and drum kit, and could easily be played during a service. This is fitting for an artist who is also training to be a priest. Communion offers his talent up to God, using his gift of music to evangelize youth communities of Miami and Weston with an accessible hip-hop sound.
The former Northern Ireland footballer Philip Mulryne has been ordained a Roman Catholic priest in the Dominican Order. Father Mulryne, who is reported to have once earned £600,000 a year, has also taken a vow of poverty. Philip Mulryne prostrate as he was ordained a priest in Dublin on Saturday. He was ordained in Dublin on Saturday by Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia, who had travelled from Rome for the ceremony. Fr Mulryne had been ordained a deacon in October last year.
Sometimes we all need a little encouragement to cultivate good habits. "Daddy! Guess what? The Rosary Lady at school knows who you are.” Ummm, ok. What “Rosary Lady”? “There’s a lady at school who comes in every Wednesday to help us pray.”
In honor of Our Lady of Fatima - to consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please come and join us for this special event - during the centenary celebration of the Fatima apparitions. What is Fatima & why is it relevant today?
Heading off on holiday...I love to visit churches when oh holiday! Check out these inspirational churches, they may be near you! Great to see that St. Aloysius Church in Glasgow makes the top 16!!
“Is he only a learned man?” St. John Paul II asks at one point. “No! He is more than that. Is he a prophet? Yes – but he is even more. Is he a social reformer? Much more than a reformer, much more. Look at the Lord with attentive eyes and you will discover in Him the very face of God.”
How quickly does Lent come round again? It's the season to be prayerfully interceding for others and we have our Calendar for Lent 2017, all laid out to make it easy for you! Please join us as we pray our way around the diocese and beyond!
SCOTLAND'S Catholic church has launched its biggest recruitment drive for the priesthood in generations amid ongoing concerns over a rapidly ageing clergy. As the number of priests in parts of Scotland is predicted to drop by 100 in the next two decades, young men in parishes across the country will be encouraged into the vocation as the church seeks to attract its next generation to the pulpit.
Think Vocation: The Magi offered their gifts to Christ. Would you be prepared to offer your gifts to Church as a Priest, Deacon or Religious Sister? If so please contact Fr. John Morrison e-mail johnmorrison1976@gmail.com or tel 01475720223.
The diocese would like to ask our faithful to keep in their prayers Patrick Doogan, who will be ordained a Permanent Deacon this Friday 28th October @ 7pm in St. Joseph's Church, Clarkston. The diocese would like to congratulate Pat who has completed his Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity through the Maryvale Institute. If you would like to find out more about the Permanent Deacionate please contact our Diocesan Vocations Director Fr John Morrison
For one New York area priest, Father Mychal Judge, the Twin Towers attack made him a martyr. For two others, the experience of ministering to the survivors and caring for the dead remains an indelible memory that forever changed their lives and priesthoods.