D-Day veteran Gerald Fisher is being laid to rest today, in our own diocesan cemetery of St. Conval's, Barrhead, on this the 75th anniversary of the D-Day and the battle of Normandy.
The cemetery gates will be opened throughout the Christmas & New Year season for those wishing to visit their families and loved ones. The cemetery office will be closed from 12 noon on Monday 24th December & will reopen on Thursday 27th December 2018. The cemetery office will be closed from 12 noon on Monday 31st December & will reopen on Thursday 3rd January 2019. The cemetery staff wish you all a peaceful Christmas & New Year.
In honor of Our Lady of Fatima - to consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please come and join us for this special event - during the centenary celebration of the Fatima apparitions. What is Fatima & why is it relevant today?
It was a cold, bright, sunny day and as always the families & friends of those buried in St. Conval's came along to celebrate Holy Mass & pray for their loved ones. We were also blessed to have Bishop Brian McGee visiting from Argyle & Isles who con-celebrated with Bishop John and priests from both Paisley & Glasgow diocese.