The proceeds of this collection are divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It works in sixteen countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion, to work their way out of poverty. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes that promote the Kingdom of God among us, with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees.
This week marks the 54th anniversary since the death of Bishop James Black, the first Bishop of the Diocese of Paisley. Holy Mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul by Bishop John Keenan at 10am on Monday 28th March in St Mirin’s Cathedral. All are welcome to attend and pray for the eternal rest of Bishop Black.
The objective of this Synodal Process is not to provide a temporary or one-time experience of ‘journeying together’, but rather to provide an opportunity for the entire People of God to discern together how to move forward on the path towards being a more synodal Church in the long term. The diocese wants to hear YOUR views, and a consultation document with questions that may help direct your response can be found at . To respond, there is an online questionnaire OR you can send any responses to before 8th April 2022 – all responses will be acknowledged.
Our Papal Nuncio has confirmed to us that he has been advised that all bishops and priests throughout the world are being requested, if possible, to recite the prayer of consecration of Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with their faithful, simultaneously with the Holy Father next Friday at 4.00pm (5.00pm CET). Bishop John invites the faithful to join him in the prayer of consecration in St. Mirin’s Cathedral at 4.00pm next Friday.
On Friday 25th March a Rosary for Peace in the Ukraine will be held in George Square, Glasgow at 6.30pm. On the day that Pope Francis will concentrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, please come along to George Square at 6.30pm and join with Archbishop Nolan and the other Scottish Bishops in praying the Holy Rosary for Peace in the Ukraine and for all those affected by this tragic conflict.
In March 1982 the Scottish Bishops published a pastoral letter on Peace and Disarmament. In this letter they challenged not just the use of nuclear weapons, something the church has always condemned, but they challenged also the very notion of deterrence and the morality of deterrence. That challenge was not accepted at the time but now more than ever the church has come to recognise that deterrence to is something which is unacceptable. Unacceptable also is the fact that 40 years on these weapons still exist but also that countries are spending vast sums of money making new and worse weapons of destruction – money, resources and personnel that could all be better used building up peace rather than in weapons of war. We commemorate now the 40th anniversary of this document by reading it again today and seeing how relevant it is to our world today. Archbishop Nolan. Please visit
The Lenten series of Masses led by Bishop John will begin after a two-year absence, this Wednesday, 9th March at 7.00pm in St Joseph’s, Greenock. This is for the parishes in the St Columba’s high school cluster. Everyone is invited to attend this Mass celebrated by the Bishop, and joined by the priests and deacons of the area. The next one will take place on Thursday 10th March, the Feast of St John Ogilvie, at St Laurence’s, Greenock at 7.00pm.
There will be a Part One training session taking place on: Wednesday 30th March at 7pm in the Diocesan Offices, Paisley, PA1 1HR Saturday 23rd April at 10.30am in St. John the Baptist Parish Hall, Port Glasgow, PA14 5HD As part of the safe recruitment procedures for the Catholic Church in Scotland, new volunteers undertaking regulated work should complete an application form for their role, apply to become a member of the PVG scheme and attend Safeguarding Part One Training. If you would like to attend one of these training sessions please contact SarahJane Colhoun on 0141 847 6138 or