catholicerskineyouth 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis has asked us all to join in prayer at. The special prayer has been written especially for the occasion and has been translated into different language
Live-in care and support assistant This is your chance to make a real difference and help support, befriend and share life with some of the most vulnerable in our society in the face of the global pandemic of coronavirus while having an experience that provides an opportunity for personal growth and transformation.
We are trialing a Dial-a-Mass here at St Joseph's. The Number to call to hear Fr Stephen's Mass is 0141 473 4869 Mass recorded every morning and available to listen to anytime and updated around 10.30am daily Please share this number with friends and neighbours who haven’t got internet access
My interview with John Patrick in Sancta Familia’s Life Under Lockdown. The Sancta Familia boys are doing a good job during this Pandemic. Happy to be interviewed on their show .
First of all, can I wish you all the joys and blessings of the Risen Lord in this Easter time of great celebration. We are also full of joy to be in the lovely month of May when we honour our Blessed Mother with loving trust, and thank Her for Her endless care of us, Her children, in our homes, families and parishes. Obviously, lockdown and furlough measures have brought ongoing financial uncertainty to many of you, and mean some of you are not in a position to make your contributions in the same way as before. That is quite understandable and we hope and pray that more secure times soon return for you and your families. That said, we thought that those of you who can and want to contribute would welcome your weekly Gift Aid Envelopes for 2020/21 to make your donations in the usual way. You can send them by post or deliver them to the parish house until your church re -opens.You can now also make easy on-line donations to your parishes and the Diocese Friends Appeal through our new PAYACharity portal on the Diocesan website at our Homepage: where you will find the Online Parish Offertory box.
Dr. Brant Pitre discusses Luke 24 and the connections between the Road to Emmaus story and the Mass. To learn more about the connections between the readings at Mass, subscribe today to The Mass Readings Explained: For more Bible studies by Dr. Pitre, visit:
I invite you to join me in praying our Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit this year when, as a diocesan family, we prepare ourselves for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Church and our mission.
The Gift I am really excited to invite you to a new initiative, to help all of us continue to grow as disciples, even in these times of Social Isolation. All are invited to our very first On-Line Discipleship Group called, “The Gift”.
Until we can be together again, our founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, has recorded a special message for your parishioners. You can find his message, filmed outside the shed in Argyll where it all began for Mary’s Meals, here. We hope you will help to spread the word about our beautiful mission by sharing it on your website or social media channels.
Dear Fathers, brothers and sisters, Pope Francis has asked believers of all religions to unite spiritually in a Day of Prayer and Fasting and Works of Charity on Thursday 14 May, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus pandemic. ‘All believers together, believers of different traditions, to pray, fast, and do works of charity.’
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I want to write to you, our families, who are living through this Pandemic to assure you that I am very close to you in my heart and prayers. In the world you will have your troubles.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. When I am writing my Pastoral Letters to you I usually think of you in your parish communities at Sunday Mass, reflecting on my words after being nourished by the Word of God and preparing to welcome our Risen Lord in the Eucharist. I fondly imagine you sharing this Sacred Gathering with your families and friends and, of course, with your priests.
May Devotions online from St Fillan’s, Houston: prayer of the Rosary for an end to the pandemic. This evening, 1st May at 7pm, you are invited to pray the Rosary and entrust this month of May into the care of Our Blessed Lady as we pray for each other and our world in these difficult times. The Rosary concludes with a Eucharistic Benediction for the whole parish and for each other. These online May Devotions can be accessed via the St Fillan’s Website ( Mass online) or St Fillan’s Church Houston Facebook page. Many people have already agreed to pray the May Rosary online together at 7pm tonight. You are invited to join them.