Important information to vulnerable clients who are at risk of missing the deadline to make an application to remain in the UK post-Brexit, and supporting applications for the EU Settlement Scheme.
World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on Sunday, February 2, 2020 and in parishes on the weekend of February 1-2, 2020. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation.
Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 January 27th is international Holocaust Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, the millions of others killed under Nazi persecution and those massacred in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. This year we remember the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and 25th anniversary of the atrocities of Srebrenica in Bosnia.
The Diocese of Paisley is committed to Adult Formation. Please complete this survey indicating topics which you would like to be presented/addressed by the diocese, as well as preferred methods of presentation. Thank you - your responses will help to shape Adult Formation in the diocese.
Denzel Washington gives life advice on what made him the success he is today. He put God first in everything and never gave up. This video is a must watch and will truly change your life for the better!
Think Vocation: Like Isaiah in today's reading, God "formed you in the womb to be his servant." How will you serve Him? Perhaps in priesthood or religious life? Speak to your Vocations Director, Fr. Morrison - email
Join Bishop John for our Diocesan Lourdes Dinner Dance Fundraiser. Our diocese is rightly proud of our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, where parishioners through the year and across the diocese help our fundraising efforts to provide hospitality and youth services to our sick and frail pilgrims.
Safeguarding in the Catholic Church means doing everything in our power to try and prevent abuse; firstly, by having a safe system of recruitment for clergy, religious, employees and volunteers; which includes PVG checks, references and training; and secondly, by having a reporting system so people can come forward with disclosures and concerns, be listened to and have their disclosures acted upon.
Christmas Midnight Mass 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today a Saviour has been born for us Who is Christ the Lord. The Psalm for Midnight Mass takes up this message of the Angel to the Shepherds who were watching their flocks by night. Reflecting on the wonder of that Heavenly encounter, and on all the shepherds went on to see in the Bethlehem stable, tonight’s Mass contemplates the God Who made this most sacred night radiant with the splendour of the true light. The Mystery of the Messiah on earth has continued revealing itself down the ages to Christian souls who have come to see and wonder like the shepherds, even until this night. The light of Bethlehem will shine on our poor world until that Happy Day when all is at last made manifest and humble worshippers delight in His gladness in Heaven.
Feast of the Holy Family 2019 Sixtieth Anniversary of the Holy Family Parish, Port Glasgow Dear brothers and sisters, it is a joy for me to be with you today in this Christmas Season and on the Feast of the Holy Family. It is a delight to celebrate this Holy Mass with you on the occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary of this wonderful parish.