Bishop Joseph Devine - Requiescet in pace Announcing his death on social media, Motherwell Diocese said: “It is with great sadness that the Diocese of Motherwell announces the death of Bishop Joseph Devine today in Wishaw General Hospital.
Christian family life is a vocation and, when lived with fidelity, it is a path to holiness, said the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life. The office on 17 May announced the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the next World Meeting of Families, which will be in Rome June 23-27, 2021: "Family love: A vocation and a path to holiness."
One of students for the Priesthood, Joe McGill (St. Joseph’s, Clarkston) will be accepted as a Candidate for Ordination during Mass at the Scots College, Rome on Wednesday evening. Please keep Joe and all of our students in your prayers at this time.
Please find a copy of the Easter Edition of the Ozanam News for your information. This is the first edition of 2019. We hope you find it informative and interesting.
Two Early Day Motions (EDMs) have been lodged in the UK Parliament calling on the UK Government to suspend changes to new immigration rules for visiting priests and to meet with representatives of faith communities to hear their concerns. The new rules make it more difficult for priests to come to the UK on supply placements, a long established practice which provides essential support for parish priests and their local parish communities.
Diocese of Paisley and SPUC – March for Life – Coach Details for this Friday - 10th May - pick up points If you have registered to travel with us this Friday please see details below. • Midnight - Paisley – St Mirin’s Cathedral car park • 12:30 am - Glasgow - Outside City Chambers • 2:00am - Gretna – Gretna Services
Ultrasound of Abby Johnson’s baby is shown on big screen in Time Square. A live, 4D-ultrasound of a 36-week gestation baby was broadcast in Times Square on Saturday, as part of Focus on the Family’s “Alive in New York” celebration. “Alive in New York” was conducted in partnership with the pro-life organizations And Then There Were None and Save the Storks. The event drew a crowd estimated in the thousands, and it is believed to be the largest pro-life demonstration in New York state history.
Salesian Sisters 50th Anniversary in Scotland: To celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Salesian Sisters arriving in Scotland, Mass will be celebrated by Bishop John Keenan at 3.00pm on Saturday 24th August in St. Fergus Church, Ferguslie Park, Paisley.
May is the month where we recite the Holy Rosary each day, meditating on the mysteries of Christ's life, death and resurrection. If your new to the Rosary here is a simple video that will teach you how pray...
The Inverclyde Across to Lourdes Group will be opening the charity shop in Port Glasgow Bay Street for 3 weeks , from Monday 6th May. Donations are welcome in the shop.