40 Days for Life Lenten prayer Vigil 8am till 8pm each day starting on Ash Wednesday at the QEUH. What are you doing for Lent? Please consider joining our peaceful prayer Vigil across the road from the Hardgate Road entrance to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital . Our Vigil starts on Ash Wednesday at 8am. To sign up email: Ogilvie2019@outlook.com As we pray we stand in prayerful solidarity with those children, women and men whose lives have been taken/ damaged by abortion. Scotland now has the legislative power over abortion so think on these words when praying, ‘for what we have done , for what we have failed to do’ .
Entries from postgraduate students and early career researchers are invited for an essay competition in honour of Bernard Aspinwall (1938-2013). The competition is supported by the Scottish Catholic Historical Association.
Today offer a prayer of protection for our Church and it's journey ahead. Celebrating the "Chair" of Peter, therefore, as we are doing today, means attributing a strong spiritual significance to it and recognizing it as a privileged sign of the love of God, the eternal Good Shepherd, who wanted to gather his whole Church and lead her on the path of salvation [General Audience, Feb. 22, 2006].
The Jesuits are offering a series of upcoming retreats, either online for you to follow on the go, or residential across the UK, Ireland and Spain. If you were thinking of a holiday why not consider a rest for body, soul and spirt? It could be the best treat you ever gave yourself. Online Lent Retreat: “Walking together with Jesus”; from the Jesuits in Scotland.
If you are a “people person", with patience and a good sense of humour and have some time to spare on a Friday evening then you could be exactly who we're looking for!
St. John Paul II observed in his great encyclical Fides et Ratio that the "quest for meaning" has always compelled the human heart. In this interview Jared Zimmerer talks to philosopher Dr. Jennifer Frey about the meaning of human life and how the innate human desire for happiness is a key entry point for evangelizing the religiously unaffiliated.
One of the informing principles of the Word on Fire Institute is a commitment to evangelizing the culture. In this interview Brandon Vogt speaks with author and current doctoral student at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Fr. Damian Ference, to talk about how we can meet the culture where it's at and proclaim Christ effectively as modern evangelists.
We have all heard that the Catholic Church today is hemorrhaging members, especially its youngest. In this interview Jared Zimmerer talks to leading expert in the sociology of religion, Dr. Stephen Bullivant, about why Catholic disaffiliation is so rampant in the post-Vatican II era and what we can do about it.
BISHOP BARRON & THE WORD ON FIRE INSTITUTE PRESENTS - Digital Summit 2019 Hear from thirteen of the leading experts in Scripture, theology, philosophy, spirituality, sociology, history, science, and literature.
Registration is now open for World Youth Day 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal!! Details of cost and dates will be advises soon! Register "for a lifetime experience!"
Monday 1st – Friday 5thJULY 2019 Knock and Lough Derg - £285 Knock and Donegal Town - £375 Single Room Supplement – Knock £10pppn Single Room Supplement – Donegal £20pppn To book or for further information contact: Day – Anne – 07901873259 anne.doherty61@hotmail.co.uk or evening – Liam – 0141 569 1982 or email liam.coyle1@ntlworld.com
Bishop John will be attending this year's March for Life UK in London on Saturday 11 May and is organising a coach from Paisley Diocese in conjunction with SPUC Scotland. if you are interested in coming please email bishopjohn@rcdop.org.uk to register interest, get information or book seats. All pro-lifers welcome.
Fundraising Dinner – St. Mirin’s Parish: Our December Fundraising Dinner raised an impressive total of £3, 545 for our Diocesan Fundraising campaign. A special thanks to all who contributed to this special evening by helping in the organisation or by coming along and helping make it such a success.
Lenten Station Masses This is the second year of our Lenten Station Masses where our diocese imitates the ancient practice of the Church in Rome, where the Pope would celebrate Mass in a different parish church on each of the days of Lent. To prepare ourselves for the Celebration of Easter Bishop John will celebrate a Station Masses with the people in our MATN cluster areas. At each Mass he will used the readings of the day to preach a short catechetical homily, Walking With Mary, on the spirituality of Lent: on Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving, on Simplicity, Chastity and Obedience, and on Reconciliation. Please come along to your cluster Mass, or maybe your Lenten discipline could be travel with the bishop and attend all of them!
What we do Scottish Refugee Council works with refugees and asylum seekers across Scotland from our Glasgow headquarters. New Scots Connect is a new national network, led by Scottish Refugee Council, which aims to build New Scots’ social connections and enhance Scotland’s welcome to refugees. As part of this initiative, Scottish Refugee Council is developing an online resource that will map all community groups and organisations, large and small, working with and for refugees across the country.
From Monday 11 February, Fertility Care will run a clinic in our Diocesan offices on Monday evenings from 7 – 9pm, running alternate Monday thereafter. They teach the Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Fertility Regulation, which helps couples achieve or postpone pregnancy in a natural way and they can help couples optimize their chances of conceiving. The service is free and confidential, and no appointment is necessary.
Our Friends Fundraising Campaign has visited just over half our parishes and will visit the remainder, one by one, over the next two years. The hope was to eventually engender around £100,000pa from this fund through standing orders and direct debits. The good news is that parishioners across the diocese have so far signed up to £70,000pa this way, while others have topped it up to £83,000 through one off donations or fundraising events.