RAH Mass – Help needed: In accordance with the aims of our Diocesan Synod, Monsignor Tormey, Catholic chaplain to the RAH in Paisley, is looking for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers who would be willing to ' Do their bit, make it happen' by helping out at hospital mass at 4.00pm on Saturday afternoons. This would be a great help for those patients and staff in RAH who attend the hospital Mass
The archbishop of Manila calls on the faithful to stay away from fights to settle scores. “In following Christ, there are many crosses that you will carry while … following ‘fake god’ erases the cross and promises [a] false path,”.
The Project Truth Roadshow gets together young people from across the UK to spend a week travelling around Scotland’s towns and cities, bringing the pro-life message to the public with real joy: because life is beautiful. Here’s a link to a video showing what happens on the roadshow. Our latest Roadshow has a team of 23 young people and continues to grow in number and gain momentum each year. This year’s Roadshow will take place between 6th and 11th August 2017.
Having already outlined Pope St. John Paul's thought on the human person and love as it is found in Love and Responsibility, the next series of articles are devoted to a second text, Man and Woman He Created Them, now known as the Theology of the Body (ToB), which he delivered as Holy Father. ...
Dalic said recently that his current success is due to his faith in God, and that he always carries a rosary to hold onto in difficult times. Dalic spoke about his faith on Croatian Catholic radio when the World Cup began. “Everything I have done in my life and in my professional career I owe to my faith, and I am grateful to my Lord,” Dalic said.
It is well-nigh impossible to be well-read these days without at least knowing the names of the English writers G. K. Chesterton and J. R. R. Tolkien. Tolkien has captured the imagination of the world through his great epic, The Lord of the Rings, and the at times densely theological, at times amusing writings of Chesterton are enjoying a real renaissance in Christian circles.
PLANS to celebrate 100 years of state-funded Catholic education in Glasgow have been slammed. Lord Provost Eva Bolander will host a civic reception later this year to mark the centenary of the Education (Scotland) Act 1918, which introduced public funding to Catholic schools. Church bosses have welcomed the move, insisting that faith schools are good for Scotland. But campaign group, the Scottish Secular Society, have hit out at the move, claiming that Catholic schools should be scrapped.
July 6 marks the feast day of St. Maria Goretti, a young virgin and martyr whose life is an example of purity and mercy for all Christians. Maria Goretti is best known for her commitment to purity and the courageous defense of her faith at the young age of eleven that made her willing to undergo death rather than participate in a sin against God. She is also remarkable for the forgiveness she willingly granted her attacker as she lay on her deathbed.