Archaeologists discover the oldest images to date of the two great apostles. In the unlikeliest of places, archaeologists found the oldest icons to date of St. Peter and St. Paul.
You don’t see this very often! The Diocese of Lafayette had seven new priests ordained this last weekend – which is a great thing to celebrate! But have you seen a celebration like this?
CONNECT The Pro-Life Essentials 7-8th July 2018 - pro-life? pro-choice? Undecided? Whichever way you lean, we invite you to a weekend conference focused on exploring what it means to be pro-life as a young person today.
More than 700 young people in Scotland had a live link-up with students in the Syrian city of Aleppo at the climax of a youth rally organised by Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. The students representing 22 schools from across Scotland had face-to-face time with students from the Christian Catechism Centre, which is made up of young people from across Aleppo, supported by ACN.
Operating now for almost 8 years locally, Inverclyde Street Pastors are out every weekend in Greenock and Gourock providing a helping hand for all who need it outside the clubs and pubs and town centres in Greenock and Gourock. Their motto is care, listen and help.
This Spring, the Catholic primary schools in Inverclyde have been involved in the High Five Programme. The concept of being kind is explored with children of Primaries1, 2 and 3, using various books targeted at that age group and introducing the Kindness Bear. These experiences have been integrated into what the children are learning in This is our Faith, our national Religious Education Programme.
As priests we desire to affirm on this 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae the noble vision of procreative love as the Catholic Church has always taught and understood it. We believe a proper ‘human ecology’, a rediscovery of the way of nature and respect for human dignity is essential for the future of our people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. We propose discovering anew the message of Humanae Vitae, not only in fidelity to the Gospel, but as a key to the healing and true development of our society.
Religious people live on average four years longer than their agnostic and atheist peers, new research has found. The difference between practising worshippers and those who were not part of a religious group could be down to a mix of social support, stress-relieving practices and abstaining from unhealthy habits, the authors suggest.
But while the English may have invented the game, they did not invent the World Cup. That was the work of Jules Rimet, the Frenchman who gave his name to the statuette that Bobby Moore rather shyly held aloft as he was carried on his teammates’ shoulders in the Wembley sunshine all those years ago.
"Whenever the Church says 'no', she must also say 'yes'. There must be a 'yes' because that is what the Gospel is, as St Paul reminds us: an outstretched hand of practical help that understands the tangle of the human heart."
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Recruitment Campaign -Diocese of Paisley – The SSVP are holding a Recruitment Campaign and inviting parishioners to join the Society. The SSVP, as part of an ongoing Recruitment Campaign, have published information leaflets and posters which will be available in those parishes where the SSVP currently operate. For more details on how parishioners can to get involved, please speak to a local SSVP member or your parish Priest.
THE Catholic Church aim to campaign against abortion in Scotland by launching the country’s first ever Pro-Life office in Edinburgh. The new Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Pro-Life Office was opened by Archibishop Leo Cushley just three days after the Republic of Ireland voted to overturn a ban.
Feast of Corpus Christi Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of Saint Andrews Church Dear brothers and sisters, it is a joy for me to be with you in Saint Andrew’s Parish, Greenock, on one of the most precious of Solemnities in our Liturgical Calendar, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
MARRIAGE MATTERS are inspiring and very human considerations which can sow seeds of hope, offer meaningful challenges and encourage an openness in couples to deepen their relationship with each other and with God.