Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort’s consecration has not been published. Apologies to those who were following this Advent preparation.
The Diocese of Paisley has set up a St. Mirin’s Fund to disburse the funds of the Episcopal Charities and the Bishop’s Fund. The Fund will begin on the First Sunday of Advent and then the Fund team, chaired by Canon Peter McGarry, will be making around £10,000 worth of grants annually to projects in the diocese or led by parishioners of the diocese that help to build up the Kingdom of God or alleviate special need.
Thanks to our hospital chaplains and on-call local priest for continuing to provide outstanding pastoral care for us when we are in our local hospitals. Please remember to let our hospital chaplains know if you or a relative are going into hospital or have been in hospital for any length of time.
What's it like being a Young Catholic in Scotland? We asked over one dozen Catholics from all over scotland a series of questions. Firstly, What's it like being a Young Catholic in Scotland?
WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP The extreme human suffering endured by the people of Syria has touched us all. For this reason, Aid to the Church in Need is committed to helping the people of Syria, in particular the Christians who are often overlooked in the international aid process. Working with local Church partners, Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need is providing vital assistance to 2,000 displaced families in the Valley of the Christians, a series of rural communities outside the city of Homs.
The pope’s special envoy in the pilgrimage town of Medjugorje has praised the work of Mary’s Meals at a Mass of thanksgiving celebrated in honour of the charity. Archbishop Henryk Hoser extolled the “extraordinary work” of Mary’s Meals and invited worshippers to pray for all those involved with the charity, which sets up school feeding programmes to help change the lives of hungry and impoverished children in 17 countries around the world. Archbishop Hoser was appointed Apostolic Visitor for Medjugorje, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, by Pope Francis in February 2017. The special Mass at St James’ Church in Medjugorje was concelebrated with Bishop John Keenan, of the Diocese of Paisley.
#AsiaBibi has left the prison and has been transferred to a safe place! I thank the Pakistani authorities. I look forward meeting her and her family, in the European Parliament as soon as possible. Twitter @acn_uk
The acquittal of a Pakistani Catholic woman sentenced to hang for blasphemy is to be challenged in the country’s Supreme Court, according to her husband. Three judges of the court ordered last week that the death sentence against Asia Bibi, a mother of five, was to be set aside and she was to be released from prison, where she has spent eight years in solitary confinement. But her husband, Ashiq Masih, confirmed in an interview with BBC World Service that the court had since agreed to accept a review petition questioning the legitimacy of her acquittal.
A BAN on pro-life groups at a Scottish university has been lifted after a long-running row over freedom of speech on campus. The students' association at Strathclyde University has voted to remove a clause preventing pro-life groups from affiliating with the union.
All night vigil of Reparation in Honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Friday 7th December 2018 – First Friday - Saturday 8th - Feast of the Immaculate Conception