Admission to Hospital: Anyone being admitted to hospital should contact their local priest to receive the Sacrament of the Sick before admission. Every hospital has a system for contacting the R.C. Chaplain urgently in emergencies when the patient or family ask the nursing staff to summon the Catholic Chaplain. The same system may also be used to request a non-urgent pastoral visit from a priest. Because of data protection the Catholic Chaplain will not know you are in hospital unless you ask for him. We have discrete patient declaration of religious cards available for you to have at your bedside letting staff know you are Catholic and want pastoral care. Just ask the priest.
Our Paisley Synod Moving Froward. Our large Steering Group met and considered common themes and directions emerging from our nine Task Groups and came up with the following proposal. In the coming months we will develop a plan to visit parishes at their Sunday Masses, meet with parishioners and gather together an inventory of work the laity are already doing, as well as new skills or services the laity are now happy to volunteer to parishes and diocese, as well as getting a sense of what parishes want us to concentrate on first. Then we will work to match up these offers with parishes that want those lay skills and services so as to open up new channels of life and growth around the diocese. Our Paisley Dicoese: All Together Sharing the Good News!
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis in his message for diocesan World Youth Day, which takes place on Palm Sunday, tells young people the Church and society needs their courage, dreams and ideals”. This year's message has a Marian theme “The Mighty One has done great things for me”, taken from the Magnificat and was accompanied by a video message in which the Holy Father reiterated the main themes of his full message.
Dear brothers and sisters. It is always a joy to be with you in Saint Joseph’s, especially today as we celebrate the institution of our parishioner Paul Graham as Acolyte in the penultimate step of his journey to the permanent diaconate in the diocese of Paisley.
Registration is now available for WYD 2019 in Panama - live the life changing experience with your one and only... Paisley Diocese! In the words of our own youth... "One of the best experiences of my life. met amazing people from all around the world and it really helped me become more confident...!" James :)
How quickly does Lent come round again? It's the season to be prayerfully interceding for others and we have our Calendar for Lent 2017, all laid out to make it easy for you! Please join us as we pray our way around the diocese and beyond!
Looking for something'different' this Lent...? During Lent, there is one spiritual activity that I look forward to most. Before Lent (though it’s never too late to begin), I get out my calendar and I write the name of one family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, acquaintance, or someone I’m not too fond of on one of the 40 days of Lent. When that day arrives, I offer my prayers and petitions, frustrations, joys, and sufferings for the person’s intentions.