The Brazilian man who received the miracle allowing for Mother Teresa’s canonization has shared his story, saying he and his wife were ordinary believers who received an extraordinary sign of God’s mercy. “From the beginning, the diagnoses weren’t good and they seemed only worse. (But) from that moment, inside this great suffering, we understood that something had happened,” Marcilio Haddad Andrino said of his miraculous healing. “I was sure that it was Mother Teresa who healed me.”
Visit our newly updated page for natural family planning. Looking for a healthy approach to pregnancy and family life... The Billings Ovulation Method® – The Healthy Alternative
Catholic prelate says priests and deacons should keep sermons brief and maintain eye contact to keep flock well-tended... It's almost as short as a Tweet!
Wouldn't it be a lovely tribute to the care and development of the world's most disadvantaged if these two successful men from different backgrounds, came together for the common good and used FB to make a difference!
Sister Marjana Lleshi awoke in the early hours of Wednesday morning to the violent shaking of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake that killed 250 people, devastating several towns in central Italy. Wounded and trapped under her bed as her convent in Amatrice crumbled to the ground around her, Sr. Lleshi thought for sure that death was imminent, and began sending messages to loved ones telling them goodbye.
As the new term approaches for our college/university students it's important to remember that you are embarking on a journey...don't travel alone make sure that you have everything you need especially your Catholic faith. Here's a few tips and links to help you settle in.
The death toll in the earthquake that hit Amatrice, Accumoli and Pescara del Tronto, has passed 240 souls. Many were Italians holidaymakers celebrating the Amatrice festival. It's very sad to see the suffering of the victims #ItalyEarthquake. Please join me in prayer to Our Blessed Mother...Hail Mary full of grace... Entrusting them to her motherly care, that they may find consolation in the midst of such a tragedy.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has a new book coming out next month, and it’s just been announced that the title of the English version will be Last Testament: In His Own Words.
Lovely to see this Saintly woman (mother) being rewarded for her incredible efforts to bring Christ to the most vulnerable and forgotten in our society. “Live simply so others may simply live.”
An old favourite back on the screen! Might be worth a look! I suppose that most of us know the basic story rather well. Judah Ben-Hur is a Jewish nobleman living with his aristocratic family in an elegant home in Roman-occupied Jerusalem at the time of Christ.
Olympic athletes have a unique opportunity every four years to inspire the world with their physical strength, graceful movements and mental stamina. This year many Olympians have added another attribute to be imitated by all: their strong Christian faith. It was surprising to see not only feature articles and interviews that focused on an athlete’s personal practice of religion, but also the vocal witness many athletes gave on national television. They showed us that while they worked hard to discipline their bodies to receive a gold medal, they did not neglect feeding their souls with spiritual nourishment.
“Hearing the news of the earthquake that has struck central Italy and devastated entire areas, leaving many dead and wounded, I cannot fail to express my heartfelt sorrow and my closeness” to everyone in the earthquake zone, especially those who lost loved ones and “those who are still shaken by fear and terror,” the Pope said. “Having heard the mayor of Amatrice say, ‘The town no longer exists,’ and knowing that there are children among the dead, I am deeply saddened,” Pope Francis said. I'm sure we are all united in our prayers for the people of Amatrice.
A big thank you to all the students and young adults who came along to witness to their Catholic faith at the Diocesan Vocations Mass held last night in St. Mirin's Cathedral. You are an inspiration not only to other young Catholics, but also to the wider Catholic population as a whole. Thank you for the gifts you bring and we pray that God will inspire you to be courageous. "Don’t stop at the surface of things; distrust the worldly cult of appearances, cosmetic attempts to improve our looks. Instead, “download” the best “link” of all, that of a heart which sees and transmits goodness without growing weary. The joy that you have freely received from God, please, freely give away (cf. Mt 10:8): so many people are waiting for it! So many are waiting for it from you." Pope Francis WYD 2016
Ireland's ongoing battle to protect the right to life threatened by Open Society Foundations - one of the program’s three themes is enabling access to legal abortion, including through efforts to repeal Ireland’s Eighth Amendment to its constitution.
SINCE the early Middle Ages it has attracted pilgrims from across Europe, with a resurgence in interest in recent decades fuelling an explosion in trekking tourism worth millions. Now, Scotland is looking to replicate Spain's world famous Camino de Santiago with its own trail following in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims from the country's western fringe to the east coast.
It is a joy to come with you as pilgrims to our National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Carfin. This Pilgrimage has been an important part of our diocesan calendar for a number of years and I think we can now call it part of the tradition and culture of our diocese.