This year, Vocations Awareness Week begins on Sunday 10th September.
During Vocations Awareness Week, the whole Catholic community in Scotland is invited to pray for (and think about) the importance of vocations to Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life. It can also encourage those discerning a vocation to serve in the Church to come forward to reflect more intently on it.
The annual Vocations Mass in the Diocese of Paisley will be celebrated at 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral on Thursday 14th September 2023.
The annual Vocations Conference for S6 pupils will take place in St Mirin's Cathedral Hall on Friday 15th September. For more information, email the Vicar Epsicopal for Vocations and Youth, Fr John Morrison, at
Holy Hours for Vocations will be held in St James' church (Paisley) and St Mirin's Cathedral during Vocations Awareness Week. In St James', this will begin at 7pm on Monday 11th September; in the cathedral, at 11.30am on Friday 15th September, the Solemnity of St Mirin.
Resources for a Holy Hour for Vocations is available below.