After a year of prayer, catechesis and consultation around the diocese feedback was gathered and one hundred and sixty delegates, chosen from every parish, school and diocesan group - including clergy, religious and a substantial majority of lay faithful- met in five Synod Sessions to reflect upon what the people had said and use this as the basis of their own discussion and deliberation. In the final session they voted on and approved the core of our Synod Document which we believe to be the combined work of the Holy Spirit and the People of God of the Paisley Diocese. This document, pending approval by the Holy See and shared with our Scottish bishops, will serve as a guiding light for our diocesan life, renewal and development in the generation ahead.
Paisley Diocesan Charter
The Diocese of Paisley, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and through the patronage of Our Lady of Paisley, will work towards being a faith filled community where:
There is a commitment to effective evangelisation centred on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a life lived with faith and charity.
Faith formation and active discipleship are of fundamental importance in developing the ‘Role of the Laity in the New Evangelisation’ within our parish and diocesan communities.
There is dynamic and collaborative engagement among all those called through Baptism into the family of God to use their gifts and talents to build up the body of Christ in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
All families feel welcome when they enter the church for liturgies, sacramental preparation or for support of any kind.
Youth are valued as bringing life to the Church.
There is a commitment to reach out to all of society, in particular those who feel excluded, offering witness to our belief that each person, made in the image and likeness of God, is deserving of dignity and respect.
The structures of the Diocese are designed to meet the needs of the diverse communities that they serve.
Each parish grows as a welcoming family of faith and each member of the parish community feels they belong and have something to contribute.
Communication in all its components: the message, the medium and the language, is understood as central to the success of the church in the modern era.
We actively use communication to promote the gospel message of peace and reconciliation.