Thank you to all who attended the Refugee Crisis meeting earlier today:
George Adam MSP; Neil Bibby MSP; Angela Dobbins, Methodist Church; Michael Dowds, SSVP; Ian Dunn, SCO; Mary Fee, MSP; Annibel Goldie, MSP;Hugh Henry MSP; Mike Holmes, Renfrewshire Council; Bishop John Keenan, Diocese of Paisley; Brian Lawson, Renfrewshire Council; Eileen McCartin, Renfrewshire Council; David McCartney, MSP; Sr. Maria McGuire, WCS; Peter McLeod, Renfrewshire Council; Fr. Brian McGee, Diocese of Paisley; Alex McTavish, SVDP; Kevin Milliken, Food Rush; Rev. John Murnine, Church of Scotland, Greenlaw; Paul O'Kane East Renfrewshire Council; Rev. Mary Patterson, Methodist Church; Jacqueline Ritchie, SVDP/PACT; John Shaw, Manager/ Gavin NL; Jean Urquhart, Catholic Church; John Ward, SVDP St Charles'; Rev Tom Wilson, Holy Trinity; Bishop Douglas Yates, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.