Following on from our Consecration of Scotland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary & the 100th Anniversary of Fatima & in addition our +prayingtheROSARYeveryday+ throughout the month of October. On Saturday 7th October we welcome the National Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, as it arrives in St Mirin's Cathedral.
We will have a short service beginning at 4.30pm followed by Rosary to welcome the statue. Our normal vigil Mass at 5.30pm.
On Sunday Bishop John will celebrate the 12 noon Mass. Rosary and Benediction at 6pm. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Morning Mass at 10am followed by Rosary and prayers. Mass at 1pm followed by Rosary and Prayers, 6pm Rosary and Benediction.
On Thursday Mass at 10am followed by Rosary and prayers, Mass at 1pm followed by Rosary and Prayers.
Our Farewell service to Our Lady of Fatima will take place at 4pm the statue of Our Lady then goes to the Parish of Christ the King, Howwood for the Fatima Vigil that takes place there from May to October.
We will set up an altar at the front of the Church. We would welcome donations for flowers or nearer the time donations of flowers.
Let theses days when Our Lady of Fatima is with us be a truly prayerful time knowing that through her intercession we may receive many graces and blessings.