This year's National Safeguarding Conference is an in-person event. By attending this conference, you can benefit from expert input, practical discussion and take-away resources on trauma-informed responses to disclosures of abuse.
Having an in-person event will encourage networking and facilitate rich discussion on the range of scenarios to be presented.
This conference will take place on Saturday 18th November from 9.30am until 4pm, and is open to all clergy, religious, PSCs and all who have safeguarding responsibilities in Catholic parishes, religious communities and lay organisations in Scotland.
The event takes place at University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RD. Registration costs £25, which covers refreshments, lunch and resources.
Anyone who has mobility difficulties can inform the organisers during registration. Alternatively, they can contact the SCSSA Office Administrator Mary Stein by calling 0141 332 7177.