Please find attached an invitation to attend an event being organised by the Conference of Religious Vocations Forum which you previously received notice of in the CRS July newsletter.
As there is no CRS newsletter in August and the event happens in early September we wanted to remind you now so that as many Religious as possible will be able to attend.
The event is designed to let you, the Religious of Scotland, take part in the ‘going live’ of the new Vocations Forum Facebook page and also to share with you some ideas we have for the future aimed at making the Religious of Scotland more visible and encouraging vocations.
Light refreshment will be available after the presentation to enable us to have some social time together. There will be no charge as we have received a very kind offer to cover any costs, however for catering purposes we would be very grateful if you could contact us to let us know if you are able to attend.
Conference of Religious Scotland – Vocations Forum
Invite you to attend
VocationScotland - Going Live Friday, 8th September 2017 Carfin Grotto
1pm Mass at St Francis Xavier Church
2pm Presentation followed by Open Forum
3pm Light refreshments and social time