Maisy Milk’s Rosary for Peace web page where you can pledge your decades on our interactive map and
receive 100 free Rosary Beads for your school.
Maisy invites Schools and Parishes to join the Scottish office in praying one decade of the Rosary every day for one week in May
wk commencing 13th May 2019 (which includes the feast of Our Lady of Fatima), asking for Our Lady’s intercession and protection on behalf of Syrian families and Nigerian widows and orphans.
Download our Rosary resources. These include a Rosary Guide, Reflections and a template to create a floral crown for Our Lady. You can then organise a May Crowning Procession in your school or parish. Please also find attached more information contained in our Maisy Milk Newsletter.
If you would like further information or would like to get involved in our initiatives please get in touch. I would be happy to visit your school to discuss all that ACN has to offer.
To help you pray the Rosary here is a
'Simple Rosary' template to help you each day.
Pledge your decades on our interactive map and receive 100 rosary rings for
your school. Why not download our Rosary reflections and pray as a class or whole school in assembly.