At our recent family prayer gathering in St. Mirin’s Hall, we learned about the great success of St. Cadoc’s children’s rosary group, who led us in prayer and shared their experiences of running and taking part over the past 10 years. It was so inspiring we wanted to share it with more families and suggest it may just be something you could do in your parish, school or locality. It is surprisingly simple and doesn’t take a lot of time or organisational ability. The founder of this group has kindly shared her experience below, and has offered to share her knowledge with anyone who is thinking about starting a similar group. Just email us at and we will pass on your enquiry.
St Cadoc's Children's Rosary Group
St Cadoc’s parish in Newton Mearns has had a children’s rosary group running since 2012. The initial idea was to provide a focus for the children in the parish for the Year of Faith, but it has been running ever since!
Well over 100 children aged 2 to 15 have attended over the years. The format is simple but effective: the children take turns to lead the other children in praying the rosary. The child who volunteers for that week may also decide to speak about the saint of the day before leading the rosary. The session might end with a short quiz or prayers for a special intention, and lasts all in around 15 minutes.
The purpose of the group has always been prayer and devotion to Our Lady and Jesus, but there have been many unintended blessings along the way: real friendships have developed in both the adults and the children. The group pray for each other if one of them, or a family member fall ill. The group have combined prayer with social events such as an annual barbecue and Christmas party.
Although the group is lay led, the former parish priest of St Cadoc’s Mgr Tom Monaghan has been very supportive over the years. This summer he brought along relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis when the group were on a Marian trip to Carfin.
St Cadoc’s Children’s Rosary Group met weekly via zoom during the lockdown, but everyone is so glad to be back in person and close to Our Lord in the tabernacle. The group meet every fortnight on Friday at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come and see for themselves. Or even better, why not start your own group? Our Lady will show you the way and shower you with many blessings!