by Susan Hines-Brigger. Published by Franciscan Media
Thursday after Ash Wednesday—March 7
“Do not immerse yourself in your work and other activities to such a degree that you lose the divine presence.”—letter to Raffaelina Cerase, December 17, 1914
Padre Pio was known for spending long periods of time in the confessional. It has been estimated that he heard two million confessions. He did not, however, allow this ministry to get in the way of his prayer life. Perhaps we could all learn something from his example. We are often in danger of spending more time and energy on our work than on the rest of our lives. We must work to find some balance between the two. Put down your phone or walk away from your computer and take a look at all the blessings surrounding you. Praying with Padre Pio St. Pio, remind us to slow down and focus on the many blessings that surround us every day. Let us see them for the true gift that they are.