The ACN School Team have been working on a series of daily resources which we hope will be helpful to all those working to teach children from home during the Covid-19 lockdown and will also be useful in primary classrooms once schools have reopened.
Maisy Milk’s Rosary for Peace Initiative – Wk commencing 11th May 2020
Join our Social Media prayer initiative! Maisy Milk invites Schools and families to join the ACN Schools Team in praying one decade of the Rosary each day for one week in May,
wk commencing 11th May 2020 (which includes the feast of Our Lady of Fatima).
Pledge your decades on our interactive map and
receive 100 free Rosary Beads for your school. 49,587 decades were pledged in Scotland in 2019, let’s see if we can beat this record in 2020! We ask that you encourage your students to join us for our Daily Decade online and share on social media their photos and videos of their family Daily Decade’s and their engagement with our resources.
Why not download our Rosary resources; a Rosary Guide, Daily Reflections and activities. Helping families get ready to organise a May Crowning Procession in their home and gardens!
This suite of resources will be based on
God Speaks to his Children, the ACN Child’s Bible. This little red book contains 99 chapters of paraphrased stories from the Old and New Testaments. It was first produced in 1979 and we have now distributed over 50 million copies (in 190 languages and dialects) to children all over the world.
Each weekday from Easter Monday (13 April) we shall be releasing an online resource based on one chapter of the Child’s Bible, this can be accessed via our website and social media platforms. Each day families can download:
A video of someone reading a chapter aloud (Bishops, priests, sisters, educators and prominent Catholic lay people have taken part).
A short child-friendly reflection on the chapter and a few talking points to encourage further discussion at home.
A themed activity (a worksheet, puzzle, game, challenge, craft, drama, etc.