The Diocese of Paisley welcomes
St. Thérèse of Lisieux Relics - full schedule now available.
Please add time into your diary to come and visit St. Thérèse relics and pray for your own private intentions.
An invitation from Bishop John Keenan to the Diocese of Paisley:
"I am delighted we are welcoming to Scotland the Relics of Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, this September and October, which Pope Francis has declared an Extraordinary Missionary Month across the world.
The Pope wants the time we have the Relics to bring us four special graces: (i) to enjoy a personal encounter with Jesus, especially in the Eucharist and the Word of God; (ii) to learn about the witness of our missionary saints scattered throughout the world; (iii) to develop our formation for mission through the Scriptures, catechesis and spiritual direction; and (iv) to reawaken our sense of missionary charity.
Therese, the "Little Flower", died in her early twenties after a short life as a cloistered Carmelite, who never left her convent or did anything great, but kept a little diary as the story of her soul, published after she died. Within two decades ordinary Catholics around the world had such a devotion to her that she was canonized as one of the most popular saints in the history of the Church, acclaimed by Pope Pius X as the greatest saint of modern times.
I am sure the pilgrimage around our Scottish dioceses of this ordinary little saint will bring many extraordinary graces to our Catholic population, to our parishes and dioceses, and to the whole nation of Scotland and I encourage everyone of you to make your own personal pilgrimage to the Relic, assured of many blessings."
+John Keenan - Bishop of Paisley
9 Day Novena to St Therese from 5th Sep until 13th Sep
We read in the Gospel whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.
St Therese, you tell us I feel that my mission is about to begin, my mission of making God loved as I love Him, of giving my little way to souls.
Teach me the way of simplicity, the way of humility, the way of holiness. Teach me to love Jesus and make Him loved.
Little Flower of Jesus, you tell us I want to spend my heaven doing good on earth. You know the secret of my heart, my joys, my sorrows, my worries. Hear my prayer, look at my life and intercede for me with Jesus.
(Name your request)
Saint Therese, you tell us I will let fall a shower of roses. Thank you for your promise: you listen to those who pray to you. With you, I want to say again, Our father…, With you I want to pray Hail Mary.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and Holy Face, pray for us.