Ministering to millennials |
by Anna Carter Born in the late 80's, I came to youth ministry in the age of worship song hand motions and purity cards. The gay rights debate raged far and away from my Midwestern town of origin...or least severely under the radar. ... As I moved into adulthood, Proposition 8 and Obergefell vs. Hodges were making news and taking no prisoners. The vitriol from some religious leaders and otherwise faithful friends left me shaken and disturbed. I started giving talks locally entitled "How to Talk About Homosexuality Without Sounding Like a Bigot." ... Depending on the polls you examine, the numbers are significant. Dubbed "the gayest generation" by the Daily Beast, the number of millennials identifying as LGBT is approximately 7%. ... The essential truths of our faith transcend time and place, but the people hearing them do not. ... Personal development occurs within a particular milieu, a fixed time and place with it's own attitudes, biases, and satellite channels. When fluid but faithful young people show up in your pews, at your Theology on Taps, or in your confessional, what do you need to know? ... Read the rest of this post |