Saved by Grace through Faith and not by Works is a long standing disagreement between Catholic and Protestants with regard to justification and salvation. So what are we to make of this? What does the Bible say? As with everything in scripture, the context is always key. As Dr. Pitre will show, when Paul speaks of being saved through faith, it is with regard to people's initial justification by being made right with God and grafted into the Body of Christ (usually through Baptism) fas opposed to when they were not part of the Body of Christ. And, when Paul (and for that matter Jesus in the Gospels and St. James in his epistle) speak of salvation by works, it is always after the initial justification and being made righteous (either during this life and/or at the end of time in the final judgment). Watch this video and be sure to pay close attention to Paul's context: When are we saved by grace through faith? At the point of initial justification (which is completely gratuitous on God's part), when we are initially made righteous (typically through Baptism, the sacrament of dying and rising to new life for Paul). And, when are we saved or justified through works? After we are part of the Body of Christ in the context of our final justification at our final judgment and/or to maintain communion in the body of Christ so as to not be "cut down" or cut off as Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 and John 15.