Having already outlined Pope St. John Paul's thought on the human person and love as it is found in Love and Responsibility, the next series of articles are devoted to a second text, Man and Woman He Created Them, now known as the Theology of the Body (ToB), which he delivered as Holy Father. ... The words of Christ stand at the centre of the reflections contained in Man and Woman He Created Them. As a whole the work is a meditation on the special kind of human love that can be formed upon the basis of sexual difference, precisely inasmuch as it finds its source in the love of Creator and Redeemer and matures as a reflection of that very same love - thus becoming a theology of the body. The theology of the body opens with a reflection upon the words of Christ as found in St. Matthew's Gospel: "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator created them male and female and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will be one flesh'?" (Mt. 19:3-4) ... Read the rest of this post on the Truth & Love blog |