It was with a very heavy heart that the decision was taken to stand down the 40 Days for Life Prayer & Fasting Vigil at the QEUH during Lent following the Public Health Guidance issued on Monday evening concerning the Coronavirus.
For 21 Days Vigil participants had once again faithfully travelled from around the country to pray from 8am till 8pm each day for a culture of life around here in Scotland and around the world.
Vigil Participants are now joined together daily in praying from home all of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Please join in solidarity with us each day as we continue to pray for a Culture of Life.
Daily 8am: The Joyful Mysteries, Noon: The Mysteries of Light, 4pm: The Sorrowful Mysteries and 8pm: The Glorious Mysteries.
We are also praying for all those working in the frontline healthcare sector that they may be protected at this time.
We also continue to pray that those doctors, nurses and ancillary staff who promote, provide or perform abortion will undergo a change of heart and use their skills to save life rather than take life
St John Ogilvie Pray for them
God bless the work You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization to pray and fast for an end to abortion!
Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 volunteers!
With God’s help, here are the proven results in 25 coordinated campaigns:
16,742 babies saved from abortion
196 abortion workers converted
104 abortion centers closed
Here’s how to take part in 40 Days for Life in our community:
Vigil location: Outside the Hardgate Road entrance to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) GovanGlasgow