We are not left simply to mourn the dead though – together with Jesus who wept at the death of His friend Lazarus – we do that; we are not simply left to remember and cherish them, though that is most fitting. We are able to embrace them in love and aid and even accompany them on their journey home. Pray for the dead every day; this great power has been given to you.
2 Maccabees 41:45
All then blessed the ways of the Lord, the upright judge who brings hidden things to light...For had he not expected the fallen to rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead, whereas if he had in view the splendid recompense reserved for those who make a pious end, the thought was holy and devout. Hence, he had this expiatory sacrifice offered for the dead, so that they might be released from their sin.