Chaplaincy Service in the hospital(s) named. |
Glasgow Royal Infirmary The Princess Royal Maternity 0141 211 4661 |
Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow and Maternity Unit 0141 452 4017 |
Gartnavel General Hospital Beatson Oncology Centre 0141 211 3026 |
New Victoria Hospital & Mearnskirk Hospital 0141 201 5164 |
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow 0141 452 3221 |
Inverclyde Royal Hospital 01475 504759 |
Paisley Royal Alexandra Hospital & Vale of Leven Hospital 0141 314 9561 |
Dykebar Hospital 0141 314 4211 |
Gartnavel Royal Hospital 0141 211 3686 |
Stobhill Hospital Site & Parkhead Hospital 0141 232 7428 |
Leverndale Hospital 0141 211 6695 |
For general enquiries about Healthcare Chaplaincy in NHSGG&C 0141 452 3220 |